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OCCDAS - Who Are They & What They Do
This Strategy is the product of extensive consultation and reflects the contributions and input of a wide range of community stakeholders who brought their insights and expertise to bear on the issue of reducing problematic substance-use and related harms.
The Strategy includes 89 action items to address problematic substance use in Oxford County. These action items were informed by a review of local data, a review of evidence based best practices in the literature, and community consultations with over 50 individuals from 28 community agencies and 15 network tables/groups, as well as 11 people with lived experience.
The Oxford County Drug and Alcohol Strategy Project Steering Committee remains committed to local ownership, and to working with community members, as well as funders and the government to move this plan into action.
A community working together to help prevent and reduce problematic substance use and problematic substance-use related harms within the community.
To provide an action plan highlighting priority areas and clear pathways to achieving all community based recommended actions.
Oxford County Community Health Centre
Addiction Services Thames Valley (ADSTV)
Tillsonburg/Ingersoll Hospitals
Ingersoll Nurse Practitioner-Led Clinic
Canadian Mental Health Association
Emergency Physician Woodstock Hospital/Coroner
Woodstock Police
Ontario Provincial Police
Southwestern Public Health (SWPH)
Regional HIV/AIDS Connection (RHAC)
Wellkin Child & Youth Mental Wellness
Ontario Health Team (Oxford)
South West Local Health Integration Network
People with Lived Experience