Justice and Community Safety

The Oxford County Strategy calls for greater awareness, education, and collaboration amongst first responders, community members, and persons with lived experience (PWLE) regarding the Justice System. Community members need to be advised on the legal issues resulting from the legalization of cannabis, while PWLE would benefit from more information on the laws and legal implications that affect them, such as the Good Samaritan Law. First responders can also be an important source of information on community resources for PLWE in the community.

There is a need to support first responders in carrying out their work with PWLE by ensuring that they have access to resources to manage these interactions and address professional burn out. There are also opportunities to create greater community awareness of the diversion activities currently pursued in the County (e.g., the Situation Table) and efforts underway to pursue new diversion activities (e.g., the Drug Court).


To strengthen the ability of law enforcement, including police, regulatory agencies, the courts, licensing authorities, and other actors in the criminal justice system. In addition, to increase various justice and community safety initiatives to uphold public safety and reduce harms associated with problematic substance use.